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28 May 2024

Charles University hosted international conference on joint study programmes

On 17th May 2024, Charles University hosted a conference entitled “Building Excellence in International Joint Study Programmes” under the auspices of Rector Milena Králíčková and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The meeting of Czech and international experts focused on international joint study programmes, their implementation, financial support and promotion.

The main goal of the event was to encourage exchange of information, expertise and experience in implementing joint programmes and faciliate networking opportunitites with international universities.

The event was targeted at representatives of all public and private universities in the Czech Republic, as well as anyone involved in the broad area of joint programmes.

The conference was started off by Rector Milena Králíčková, Vice-Rector Jan Polák, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Czech Republic Laimonas Talat-Kelpša, Deputy Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Prague Marianna Neupauerová, Deputy Head of the Embassy of Estonia in Prague Pirgit Laanpuu and Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague Denise Quistorp.

Among the attendees were participants from 25 Czech universities and other institutions including the National Accreditation Bureau and German Academic Exchange Service. The international section of the audience comprised guests from 25 universities and other institutions Slovakia, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, and Hungary.

For a full programme of the event and a list of all speakers, please go to this site.

A detailed report of the conference and a gallery of photos is available here.

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